Our Solutions

Workplace Culture Solutions

Our Workplace Culture Solutions shape healthy workplace cultures by enhancing the way people interact. Our core programmes enable nuanced thinking, deeper engagement and improved performance.

Developing Cultural Intelligence
The Developing Cultural Intelligence workshop involves creating high self-awareness and looking at how our beliefs, values and preferences shape our behaviours and communication. It means understanding your own working style and how this might impact others. In this workshop, we develop the mindset needed for high cultural intelligence and learn how to improve our own skills – appreciating and adapting to different behavioural styles, communication preferences and cultural norms.

Harnessing Your Team’s Cognitive Diversity
The Harnessing Your Team’s Cognitive Diversity workshop helps individuals to feel more deeply connected and enables team members to seek out different ways of seeing problems, avoid echo chamber thinking and tap into the team’s collective wisdom. By appreciating our differences, we work better together and can tap into individual strengths. In this workshop, teams compile a playbook of actions to guide how they are going to work together and what they expect from one another.

Cultivating a Psychologically Safe Work Environment
The Cultivating a Psychologically Safe Work Environment workshop ensures people feel comfortable expressing their opinions and being themselves. Psychological safety fuels innovation, improve business outcomes and leads to a continuous improvement mindset. In this workshop, we shape the mindsets, behaviours and environment needed for people to take interpersonal risks – whether this is to express ideas, challenge viewpoints, ask questions, or admit mistakes.

Embedding Company Values into your Workplace Culture
The Embedding Core Values into your Workplace Culture workshop allows organisations to thrive by aligning people on the organisation’s values and identifying the behaviours and systems that support a healthy culture. A company’s values must be more than words — they need to infuse all aspects of your business from decision-making to expected company behaviours. In this workshop, we use our proprietary CARE model was developed to help organisations Codify, Amplify, Reinforce and Evolve their desired culture.

Global Disc

Global DISC™ is a powerful tool which we use in workshops to help us understand how people think, behave and work differently. The key to Global DISC is that it measures preferences, not skills or knowledge. We are all a blend of different styles, but ignoring or suppressing differences hampers performance. Cultural intelligence is the ability to recognise, understand, value and exploit our differences.

Growth Zone

The Growth Zone™ assessment tool enables us to measure psychological safety and motivational drivers empirically. Psychological safety is the foundation for harnessing cognitive diversity and creating a healthy workplace culture. This learning enables us to address the most urgent and challenging areas and devise actionable steps to enhance individual and collective ways of working.

Leadership Solutions

Our Leadership Solutions are aimed at supporting leaders in creating and protecting healthy workplace cultures. Topics include: Leading by Example, Coaching Skills for Managers, Accelerating Leadership Impact, Leading Hybrid & Remote Teams, and Cultivating a Continuous Learning Culture.

Professional Skills Workshops

Our professional skills workshops include: Influencing Stakeholders, Presenting with Impact, Communicating with Clarity, Improving Productivity, Giving and Receiving Feedback, and Managing Difficult Conversations.

Intercultural Solutions

With decades of experience in working across different cultures, Ben Massen offers a range of intercultural training and coaching programmes. These programmes are particularly suitable for people who need to acclimatise swiftly when starting an international assignment or are joining/leading a multicultural team. Programmes include: Developing Country Insight (such as China, USA and UK) and, Developing Executive Presence on Global Teams.

“Ben has helped me to transform my working life and that of my teams by increasing my understanding of the different cultures I work with. He has equipped me to better understand and manage my direct reports in a way which will lead us to success.”